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We practice a style that belongs to traditional martial arts schools and try to spread a certain spirit of solidarity.

Our style is effective in all aspects of life, physical training, mental exercises and internal energy work allow you to learn to take control of the potential of the human body.

Self Defense course, free combat, Bai Quyen, Bai Bhin Khi, Khi Cong, Ngoai Cong and Noi Cong.

We would also like to specify that the physical performances that you see were originally intended to check our progress in our learning and training. These performances are extremely dangerous in some cases and require YEARS of training, experience and mastering of techniques.

Our history pages bring a more accurate version of the story of Hong Gia than what we can find on the internet ...

Our traditional bases make it a necessity.

Master Phi Liet

Maitre Ha Chau et son disciple Philippe Gaudin, Shaolin Hung Gar Kung Fu
Philippe Gaudin Vo Su Phi Liet Shaolin Hung Gar Ha Chau
Où nous sommes
Qui nous sommes
Maitre Ly, disciple de Ha Chau, philippe gaudin, shaolin hung gar

Disciple le plus ancien de l’école,

responsable des techniques,

responsable des écoles du Sud Vietnam

Maitre Phạm Hữu Thông, disciple de Ha Chau, philippe gaudin, shaolin hung gar
Maitre Phạm Hữu Thông

Responsable des Écoles du Nord Viet Nam,

et nommé par Maître Ha Chau

et le responsable des écoles du Nord Vietnam

Maitre Nguyễn Xuân Long, shaolin hung gar, disciple Ha Chau, Philippe Gaudin
Maitre Nguyễn Xuân Long

Entraîneur et responsable

de l’école de Quang Ninh

(Mong Cai à la frontière chinoise).

Maitre Phạm Hồng Duy, shaolin hung gar, disciple Ha Chau, Philippe Gaudin
Maitre Phạm Hồng Duy

Responsable de l' école 

à Kim Son (Ninh Binh). 

Maitre Amhed Sabir, shaolin hung gar, disciple Ha Chau, Philippe Gaudin
Maitre Amhed Sabir

Président & Responsable

de l'école Hung Gar Kuen Ha Chau

au Maroc

Maitre Philippe Gaudin, disciple de Maitre Ha Chau, Shaolin Hung Gar

Disciple de son regrette Maitre Ha Chau,

et de son frere le regrette Maitre Ha Cuong,

Chef de file de l'ecole Shaolin Hung Gar Ha Chau

Revue de presse



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Me Phi Liet, Philippe Gaudin   demonstration
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Me Phi Liet, Philippe Gaudin demonstration

SHG in the vietnam tv news show
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SHG in the vietnam tv news show

Thieu Lam Hong Gia Vo Duong Hà Châu
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Thieu Lam Hong Gia Vo Duong Hà Châu

Maître ha chau en France
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Maître ha chau en France

Kỳ nhân thiên hạ Danh sư đại lực sĩ Hà Châu
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Kỳ nhân thiên hạ Danh sư đại lực sĩ Hà Châu

Ha Chau
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Ha Chau

casse granit tete
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casse granit tete

Lão Võ Sư Hà Châu
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Lão Võ Sư Hà Châu

Thieu Lam Hong Gia Vo Duong Hà Châu
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Thieu Lam Hong Gia Vo Duong Hà Châu

Sư Phụ Đại Lực Sĩ HÀ CHÂU Thần Đồng Việt Nam...
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Sư Phụ Đại Lực Sĩ HÀ CHÂU Thần Đồng Việt Nam...

Lão Võ Sư Hà Châu 1991 - Phan Dinh Phung
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Lão Võ Sư Hà Châu 1991 - Phan Dinh Phung

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